Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I just wanted to let everyone know that I got to hold Logan this evening! The doctor had written a one-time order (for now) for me to do kangaroo care with him, which means he lays on my chest skin-to-skin. This obviously promotes bonding and also growth and development for him. It was so awesome, I really can't describe how incredibly amazing it was to finally hold my little boy. Hopefully there will be much more of that in the near future! Dad got to watch, but he will get his turn very soon. I held him for about an hour and fifteen minutes and he did very well. He did not de-sat once. He whimpered for about 5 sec., but that was it. The rest of the time he just slept. Dad even bothered him and he was fine with it!

Also in big news, Dad changed his first diaper tonight. It was only a wet diaper, no poopy diapers yet. He did a great job!

We left Springfield around 7:00 p.m. I am going to try and stay home until after Ashley's wedding this weekend. We'll see how that goes. At least I left on a very positive note!

I definitely give thanks to God for such a wonderful day. I hope there are many more to come. I will post a few pictures tomorrow. I left the camera in the car.



Congratulations!!!! You must both (mom and dad) be beaming right now! I bet Logan loved every minute of it too.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you finally got to hold your son. That will definitely make him get better. I'm sure it helped his parents a lot, too. I'm praying for all of you.

Anonymous said...

So glad you finally got to hold Logan!! I'm sure that was an amazing hour and 15 min...
Glad Danny did well with the diaper change. We loved the "one eye open" picture and look forward to more of them. Enjoy Ashley's wedding....God Bless you all!!

Amy Woods

Mrs. Stallard said...

What a great day! I was so excited to hear you were able to hold Logan! And Faith will be glad to hear that Danny changed his first diaper. We will continue praying for many, many more great days. Enjoy your weekend!

Leroy, Brenda, Holly, and Faith

Anonymous said...

We are so excited for you guys. We continue to pray for all. Wayne and Judy

Anonymous said...

Oh honey, how great it is to finally see you holding that precious little boy of yours. I cant even imagine how amazing that felt, for all three of you. We are still praying for you all. Love ya.