Friday, July 18, 2008

More small changes

Sorry I haven't posted yet today, we haven't been back to the apartment yet. He is up to 3 ccs of milk every 3 hours. To put this in perspective, 5ccs is a teaspoon! So he's not getting a lot of milk, but he's doing well so far!! They did a blood gas this morning and his carbon dioxide levels were still a little high, but they lowered his vent settings from 22 breaths per minute to 20 breaths per minute. The doctor said this will be his lowest vent setting before they go to the sy-pap machine. They are going to try to extubate his over the weekend and switch to this new machine. Please pray that he does well with this transition. He also had a bowel movement on his own last night!!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Just keep chugging along. As far as setbacks go, these are not too bad. They are keeping such a great eye on him and he just keeps getting better. I'm sure it was disappointing to not have him off the ventilator completely, but he's making progress. That's what I keep praying for. Baby steps... after all, he's not a very big guy.

He's so tiny compared to your hands, Jill. What a little angel he is. I bet you love getting to do anything you can to care for him. Please give him a kiss from his Texan friends. We love you, Logan! You too, Mommy and Daddy!

Amanda, Ed and Gabi