Friday, July 25, 2008

3 weeks old today!

Well our little Logan is 3 weeks old today. That is so hard to believe. He is doing well this morning. Nothing too new yet, the doctors had not made their rounds when I called about 8:30. He did have a bowel movement on his own this morning, so that is good. He has been doing fairly well with his 15 ccs, he had about 2 ccs left over during his night feedings and his nurse this morning said he had about a half of a cc left over from his 5 a.m. feeding.

The night nurse weighed and measured him and gave him a bath last night. She said he tolerated this very well. Good job Logan!! He weighed, drum roll please, 2 lbs., 6.8 oz. So he gained about 1 1/2 ounces from his last weigh, and he is 14.4 inches long. He has grown almost half of an inch. Keep it up buddy, you need to put some fat on those bones! After all of these events, the nurse said she cleaned out his mouth and gave him a mini pacifier. She said he sucked on it a little bit. Oh, I wish I could have seen it. It was surely the most adorable thing ever!! She said he will have it in his bed from now on, so maybe we can try it on Sunday.

I will post more after I talk to the nurse again. Please pray that he continues to tolerate his feedings.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

That is so cool that you got to hold him!!! What an amazing moment! I'm sorry it took so long for you to get that opportunity, but it will carry you through some of the tough moments, I'm sure.

You look like a pro. Tell Daddy to be patient. His turn is definitely coming. Keep growing, big boy Logan!

AManda, Ed and Gabi