Monday, July 28, 2008

Another stable day

Well Logan is having a pretty good day. He is tolerating his feedings of 20 ccs, so far no increase in his feedings. He had a good bowel movement around 11:00 p.m. last night. His urine output has been good both yesterday and today. His blood gas this morning was good. His carbon dioxide level was 46, down from 53 yesterday. This is good news. Now he just needs to consistently keep them in the low to mid forties. Please pray that this will happen. I know God will take care of him.

His hemacrit was a little low today, so he is getting a blood transfusion this afternoon. This is the 3rd one he has had total, but the first since his first week of birth. I believe this is fairly common. No changes on his si-pap machine that I know of.

That is all for now. I am feeling a little better, my throat doesn't hurt as bad, but my nose is still runny. Hopefully I'll feel better by tomorrow evening.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Feel better, Jilly!

Your little guy is getting so big!

AManda, Ed and Gabi