Sunday, July 27, 2008

Back from St. Charles

Well we got back to Springfield around noon today. It was good to be back. We had a good time at the wedding. Ashley looked absolutely beautiful of course and the reception was really nice. The weather was nice as well.

I am on the verge of a cold, with a slightly runny nose and sore throat, so I really haven't gotten close to Logan today. Danny, Lauren, Mom, and Dad all sat with him for awhile this morning and then everyone but Danny left for home. I'm really hoping I feel better tomorrow so I can ask to do more k-care with Logan. Well, maybe if I can't, Danny can.

Logan has not had too many changes over the weekend. His blood gases have been fluctuating some, either in the mid-forties or low-fifties. The doctor said that he wants them consistently in the low forties before he starts weaning him off the si-pap machine. Please pray that he will have more consistent blood gases that are in the low forties.

He pulled his feeding tube out twice yesterday. He really likes to hold onto it for some reason. They have increased his feedings to 19ccs every 3 hours over a 2 hour period. So far he appears to be tolerating this well. Please pray that he continues to do so. They have stopped his TPN feedings, but he is still getting a fluid mixture and lipids (fats) through an IV. When he stops these two, they can remove the IV.

They weighed him last night and he weighed 2 lbs., 9.2 oz. This is a 1 1/2 ounce increase over just a 12 hour period! His weight can fluctuate though depending on many things, but hopefully he will just continue to put on weight!!


Shelley said...

It is wonderful to hear that he is doing so well. Keep up the good work Logan and we all will continue praying for him.
Shelley McCleave

Anonymous said...

Its awesome you can hold him now!!! That has to be an awesome feeling! glad you had fun at the wedding, I've always liked Ashley, glad she's happy. We always pray for Logan every night, nice to hear he's doing better. Talk to ya this week sometime, been pretty busy lately, I'll come see him though for sure.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jill, Grandma Peg sent this to me. I do pray and will keep praying for Little Logan and Mom & Dad. He sounds like a real doll baby!!!God Is soo good he will prevail for little Logan as he is now...Keep looking up that is where our power comes from. Thinking of and praying for you all.. I enjoy watching and hearing how he is growing.
Carolyn Ulm and Family.