Sunday, July 13, 2008

Back in Springfield

Well Danny and I made it back to Springfield around 6:00 p.m. We went straight to the hospital and Logan is in his new bed and seems to be enjoying it. The doctors thought they might wean him off of the ventilator totally today, but when he got down to the machine breathing 10 breaths a minute for him, his oxygen sats went a little haywire, so they decided to keep him on the ventilator overnight and let Dr. Nimavat decide the course of action in the morning. So right now he is on 15 breaths per minute from the machine and he is breathing on his own about 35 or more breaths per minute. Hopefully sometime tomorrow they will be able to take him off the ventilator. He will then move to a C-PAP machine, which is a mask that goes over his nose and mouth. It provides extra pressure when he breathes, but he does all of the actual breathing himself. They are giving him medicinal caffeine daily to stimulate his respiratory drive. They inserted a pic line in his foot and took the lines out of his umbilical cord. The nurse said that the doctors like to wait at least 24 hours after the umbilical cord lines are out, and then they may start trying some breast milk through a feeding tube, but just a very small amount at a time (1-2 ccs). He is also off of his sedation medications and is able to move around a bit. Hopefully this will help his swelling go down.

Please pray that he will be able to wean off of the ventilator sometime soon and be able to tolerate breathing on his own. The nurse did tell us though that these preemies often have to go back on the ventilator at some point because they will likely have a setback or two that will require extra help breathing. Let's hope that Logan will skip this. His daddy wanted me to say how incredibly proud of our little boy we are for being so strong and tolerating all of this new equipment.


Amanda said...

Logan rocks!!!

Still a little awestruck that you two are parents!

Amanda, Ed and Gabi

Mrs. Stallard said...

Keep it up,Logan!


Kathi said...

Thanks for keeping us up to date! I think of you all often. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Just make sure you are also taking care of yourselves!!!!
Kathi Walker

Anonymous said...

Jill, Danny & Logan:
This is Brad Harris, Rebecca and Larry's pastor and friend. Just wanted to let you know that you are all 3 in our thoughts and prayers. Kathi W is right, be sure to take care of yourselves. The day will soon come when you will take Logan home. You wan't to be at your best then. Our love and prayers are with you. Brad & Debbie

Anonymous said...

Jill, Danny, and sweet Logan,
Congratulations on this beautiful little miracle. He seems to be quite the little fighter. We will continue to pray for you although it sounds like God is watching this little man closely. Please let us know if you need anything. we are always good for a hot meal when you are home. Just let us know.
Sarah, Nathan, Kanda, and Phil Stevens