Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A better and brighter day

Hello everyone. Logan is having a much better day today. He is doing well with his feedings and they are increasing him from 9 to 12 ccs of milk every 3 hours over a 2 hour period. The doctor wants to get him on all milk feedings and off of the TPN feedings. So hopefully he will handle this increase well. He also pooped on his nurse this morning! Oh well, I'm sure that's not the first time it happened to her.

His blood gas was very good this morning! His carbon dioxide level went down from 55 to 43, which is great! The doctor was very pleased, but said he wanted another blood gas in the morning before he turns down the machine. That is fine with me for now.

The doctor also said that Logan is not showing any signs of infection from his blood culture. This is such great news! They are going to continue the antibiotics until tomorrow and then stop those.

So Logan is having a good day. This is such a relief and blessing. Please pray that he continues to tolerate increased feedings and that his blood gases continue to look good.

I would also ask everyone to say a special prayer for Logan's neighbor. This little boy was born at 23 weeks and weighed only 1 lb., 4 oz. He is 1 1/2 months old and was on the same si-pap machine as Logan, just at lower settings. This morning, he had to go back on the ventilator. Please pray for him and his family and that he will be able to get back off of this sometime soon. Thanks.


Mrs. Stallard said...

God is definately at work! Way to go little Logan and keep up that "Prosser" appetite! We will also be in prayer for your little neighbor.

Leroy, Brenda, Holly, and Faith

Anonymous said...

Keep improving each day baby Logan.
God is looking over you and he loves you. We will keep your little
neighbor also in our prayers. You are so precious! We love you so much.

Great Grandpa and Grandma

Anonymous said...

Even though you have some bad days....the good out weigh the bad. I am glad to hear he is doing well. I bet you will sleep better tonight. I went shopping and I saw so many things for Logan. Shopping is fun but I thought I would wait to see how big he will be when he gets out. Keep up the good appetite! He looks so comfy in some of the pictures. You take care and we will keep praying. We will pray for his little neighbor.


Anonymous said...

God is definately answering prayers. We are so happy to hear Logan is doing much better. With an appetite like that, he will be growing bigger and stronger every day. Never, ever, ever, give up! Keep up the good work Logan! We will keep your neighbor in our prayers. Love you all.

Luke, Leslie, Taylor and Addalyn

Grandma Thomas said...

Thanks are owed to God for Logan's progress. Grandma Thomas is so relieved after seeing him fight that cy-pap machine last Saturday that he is finally settling in to it. We will all be relieved when he starts to gain more weight.

And way to go Danny taking little Logan's temperature. Diapers are next on your agenda!! It's great that we can focus on these positive steps.

I grow more anxious for Logan to come home with each passing day. What a great day that will be!!

All my love, Mom Thomas

Brian, Carol,Kate,Beau,and Brock said...

It sounds like your doing very well Logan. I hope you keep up the good work!!! I will also pray for your little neighbor.

Love, Beau