Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A bump in the road

Hello all. First of all, I just want to say thank you to everyone who reads my blog and leaves me so many uplifting, kind, and spiritual comments. Your comments leave me feeling refreshed and hopeful for a new day and help me carry on. It also makes me realize how many people really do care for Danny, Logan, and me. Thank you all very much.

Well, Logan had a bit of a setback today. He had to go on the ventilator around 1:30 p.m. His blood gases were getting worse and his carbon dioxide levels were rising. I spoke with his doctor and he said that when they re-intubated him, they suctioned him, and they got a very large ball of mucous out of his windpipe. The doctor thought this may have been blocking his airflow and making it difficult for him to breathe on his own. So maybe this was part of the problem. His blood gas at 4 was back to normal so all vent settings will stay the same tonight and he will get another blood gas in the morning. Then they will lower his vent settings from there and then try to take him off the vent again either tomorrow afternoon/evening or Friday, depending on Logan and the doctors. Please pray that things will work out this time and he will get off the vent soon.

On a more positive note, they have increased his feedings to 2ccs every 3 hours and he is doing very well with these. He received his last ordered enema today and had a good bowel movement this afternoon.

He also opened one eye a little this evening after the nurse had bothered him. He must have been looking at his cousin, Elissa, who had come to visit him. They are both still a little swollen but hopefully they will both open soon!


Anonymous said...

So good to see a picture of you with Logan. You'll get to change many more of those diapers for many years!!! Thanks again for keeping everyone updated!I still can't believe you're a mom and your mom is a GRANDMA!!!! Still thinking of you and praying for you!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting us go on this journey with you. I know Logan will grow to be all that God created him to be.

Anonymous said...

Jill- Thanks for taking the time to let everyone know how things are going for you all. We keep you all in our thoughts and prayers. So glad to see Logan's pictures...keep them coming! Hope today is a GREAT day!!
Amy Woods