Saturday, July 19, 2008

Cross your fingers

First I just want to say, yes, I started this blog so that everyone who wanted to could keep up on Logan's progress and development, but I really get a lot out of it as well. It is very therapeutic for me to write what I am feeling, and even more therapeutic when my friends and family write me uplifting and inspirational comments. I must say that earlier this afternoon, I was a bit frustrated and scared that Logan was having a setback, but he is acting like a trooper as usual and behaving for now on his new machine.

His carbon dioxide levels dropped from 63 to 57 from his 4:00 to 6:00 blood gas. He is getting about 20 breaths per minute on this new machine at about 33% oxygen. He seemed to be getting used to it when we left around 7:00. Of course, he was lying on his belly then, his favorite position. His caffeine dose was also upped from 6 to 10 to help increase his respiratory drive (don't know the measurement). When he got his 5:00 feeding, about 3 ccs of his last feeding did not get digested and came back up in the syringe when the nurse pulled it up. He was given another 4ccs, because the nurse practioner said that this was normal when they get put on the sy-pap and that his stomach may have had too much air in it. However, his 8:00 feeding went fine and no milk came back up in the syringe. He had another poopy diaper for Mom around 5:00. Thanks buddy! I just called the nurse for his 10:00 blood gas, it was the same as the 6:00 so no changes for tonight. His carbon dioxide levels are still a bit high, but he is doing pretty good. Hang in there Logan. You're doing awesome!! Well that is all for tonight, thanks for reading and giving me a boost of much needed encouragement.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jill & Danny,

Your blog is like an addiction. I am sure I am not the only one that checks it several times a day. His progress is wonderful. I think and pray for you guys daily. A few weeks ago, my mom asked if I had heard anything and I said no. Then your mom sent this awesome email how to stay up to date. This is a great way to keep everyone informed. Carsyn is so excited he will have another friend in his class. Keep up the good work Logan! Jill and Danny keep the postive spirits going....god has good things in store for little Logan.

Brad, Emily, Madelyn and Carsyn