Friday, July 11, 2008

An even brighter afternoon

Well today truly was an answer to all of the prayers that we have been praying. I was afraid I would miss the doctor because we didn't make it back to the hospital until about 5:30, and he is the only one that is supposed to give us the test results. I actually ran into him at the entrance to the children's hospital and he stopped me. Someone please tell me that wasn't a godwink (thanks Julia Michels). He informed us that the heart echo was normal and that the valve was still closed, so NO surgery. Thank God for that. He also informed us that the head ultrasound was normal, so no bleeding in the brain. Whew! He said that Logan would just need more time to overcome his lung disease and that we would attempt to wean and/or lower some of his vent setting and breathing medication. He actually went down more on the vent settings when we were there this evening and he was on 27% oxygen, which is fantastic. I am being cautiously optimistic because he has attempted to wean a bit before and had trouble with it. Hopefully he will handle it better this time and he will wean a little slower. His blood gases have been good all day so this is helpful for weaning as well. He was also laying on his belly this evening and looked very comfy. The nurse said that little babies like him love lying on their bellies. She also said this position is good for lung expansion. So he really did have a great day, but let's hope that he can withstand this weaning ok on his own.


Amanda said...

OH-- I love his big fighting spirit. Sounds like he's got a bit of the Fighting Illini in him if you ask me.

He's precious and we'll just keep praying for better news every single day. God will bless your family-- we just have to ask.

love you,
amanda, ed and gabi

Morgan said...

I am so glad to hear that Logan had a much better day today. Knowing that he had a good day and had good test results was a great birthday present. Thanks, Logan. I'll keep you guys in my thoughts and prayers.

Kristi and Jeff Stevens said...

That is wonderful news. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. I will keep checking the website for the updates. Thanks for keeping everyone up to day!! Tell Logan to keep up the good fight!! He is so strong and so his is Mommy and Daddy!!

Lots of love,
Kristi and Jeff

Anonymous said...

We are praying with so many others. Knowing that our God is a great God.

Jerry and Shirley Wade