Sunday, July 27, 2008

A few small changes

Hello again. There are only a few small changes to post. His new weight tonight is 2 lbs., 10.6 oz.!! That is almost a 1 1/2 oz. gain from last night. Keeping gaining buddy! He is up to 20 ccs of milk and the doctor stopped his lipids this evening. The only other nutrition (besides breast milk) is 1 ml of fluid every hour. This is just to keep the line open in case they would need to get something through his system quickly. Hopefully this line will come out soon!

According to his night nurse he is doing well with his increased feedings. Please pray it stays that way. He will get another blood gas in the morning. Please pray for low carbon dioxide levels. Thanks everyone. Have a good night.

P.S. Danny and I drove home this evening because I felt worse after my nap. I have a sore throat, runny nose, stuffed up ears, headache, etc. I did not want to contaminate Logan or anyone else in the room so we came home tonight instead of tomorrow. Hopefully we will both be well on Tuesday evening so we can head back up. I'm ready to hold him again! Of course, so is Danny!



Sorry to hear that you're not feeling well. Please remember to take care of yourself even though I'm sure that's the furthest from your mind right now. Glad to hear that Logan is doing so well. Keep packing on the pounds Logan!!

Jennifer and J.R.

Charlotte Bickers said...

We sorry to hear you not feeling well. we sending you love and hugs. Praying you take care of youself. YOu know that Logan is getting the best care. Love CHarlotte and Jess