Friday, July 25, 2008

A good day

Well Logan has had another good day. Praise God for that. The doctors have not been in his nursery to write any new orders yet today (slow, huh?), so he is still on the same si-pap settings. He had another good blood gas this morning and has been on 25-30% oxygen all day. The nurse just said that he is in his bed "doing his exercises" and holding onto his feeding tube and she is afraid he might pull it out. She said she might get him another tube to hold on to.

He is tolerating his feedings well today and has not had hardly any residual left! They also did a head echo last night and it came back normal! No evidence of bleeding in the brain. I did not know the doctor had this test scheduled, but this is wonderful news that it was normal!!

Danny and I are off to St. Charles soon for Ashley's wedding. I will probably not be posting again until Sunday afternoon, as I will likely not have access to a computer until then. So please do not get nervous if I don't write anything for a few days! Thank you for all of your prayers and please continue to pray that he tolerates his feedings and that he continues to have good blood gases. Also, please continue to pray for his neighbor, Jayden. Thanks.


Bethanie said...

This is Beth (Trowbridge) Huffman. I had heard about your little boy from my brother and I googled you to find out how he was doing. I've read all the way through and you guys have been through the ringer to say the least. I'll be praying for Logan, you and your husband, and Jayden. I'm so sorry for what you've been going through, but I can see that you're handeling it with courage. Keep leaning on the Lord and he will carry you through.

Anonymous said...

Jill and Danny,
We are keeping up with Logan's progress and are praying for you and your family. Your faith is an inspiration to all and a testament to Logan's life. Logan needs you to be strong so remember to take care of yourself too. Before long this roller coaster ride will be over and you will be home with your son. Keep faith.
Sarah and Nathan Stevens