Monday, July 21, 2008

A not so good day

Well I spoke with the doctor this morning and things are not as well as I'd hoped. One of his blood cell counts was high (likely the white blood cell count) which can be indicative of an infection, so they did a CRP and a blood culture to look into that further. They also did a chest x-ray to look at his lungs and they were still hazy. The doctor said that he had some dark lines on his x-ray which may indicate pneumonia, a partially collapsed lung, or neither. He doesn't know yet. They are starting him on two antibiotics to stop the pneumonia if that's what's going on. He also tested positive for some ureathrocyte (??), which the doctor said is very common and causes chronic lung disease. He cannot take any medication for this because the med. causes decreased bone and dental growth. The doctor did say that this ureathrocyte will go away on its own in "normal time", whatever the heck that means. The doctor is also trying his feedings at 7 ccs every 3 hours, but letting the milk run in over a 2 hour period to aid in digestion. He said that feeding is the key to Logan's health because the more he eats and grows, the more healthy lung tissue he will develop and that's what he needs.

It has been a very frustrating day. The ups and downs are intense and unpredictable. I have never felt more helpless in my life. Please pray that he will get through this round of infection if that's what is taking place, that he will tolerate his feedings, and that his little lungs will get stronger and clearer each day. Thanks everyone.


Cathy Ross, RN said...

Hello Prossers. I wondered if the doctor said "erythrocytes".
We are following your journey here from work and wish you the best. It is upsetting to have a set back and it is frustrating to go two steps forward and one step back.
You are in our prayers.

Mrs. Stallard said...

I know the prayers for Logan are overflowing to God. You are not alone in this. We love you.

Brenda, Leroy, Holly, and Faith

Amanda said...

Done, done, and done! I can't imagine how difficult it is to watch him struggle. Just remember how many people love you all and are praying for him. Trust in hat power! It's soooo much bigger than us.

We love you Prossers,

Katie said...

I can't even begin to imagine how helpless you must feel and how exhausting it must be to watch your child fight so hard. You deserve an award for hanging in there. Stay strong. We'll keep praying.

Anonymous said...

Remind yourself every minute of every day that God is watching over Logan, Danny and you. God will never give you more than you can handle! We will continue to pray. Love you all!

The Runyons

Anonymous said...

Jill, Danny and Baby Logan,
I found your blog a week ago and have been reading it everyday since then. I know we can't even imagine what you guys are going through, but we've been praying for you and will continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Just remember that we serve an awesome God who never forsakes us. I am so happy to see your faith in Him shine through this adversity.
Matt and Krista

Kristi and Jeff Stevens said...


I was sad to hear about Logan's setback but it can only make him stronger. Keep you head up and know that your family is in our thoughts and prayers each day. Thanks again for the blog and keeping everyone up to date on his progress.
Lots of love,
Kristi and Jeff

Anonymous said...


I have been reading your blog every day- so sorry to hear about the setbacks today. I can't even imagine how you must feel. Please know that you and precious Logan are in my prayers.

Ashley (Stevenson) McDowell

Anonymous said...