Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A not sure what to think day

Well Logan has been fairly stable so far today. I called his nurse this morning and she said that his feedings were going fine, but that his carbon dioxide level was back up to 55. I was somewhat frustrated after hearing this, so I asked her to have the doctor call me when he had a minute.

He called a few hours later and gave me a head-to-toe report. He said that Logan had very good color and was "crawling around like a Marine" in his bed. He was pleased with how Logan looked and acted. He said that for as sick as Logan had been, he was surprised that his carbon dioxide levels weren't higher. So he is pleased with them for now. He also said that his blood transfusion being done after his diuretic med. yesterday may have upped his carbon dioxide levels for today. He said that he feels like Logan is progressing nicely and that growing healthy lung tissue will simply take time and patience. Oh, something I don't seem to have much of. He said it will take around 4-6 more weeks before Logan is well enough to even think about coming home, which is what we expected. He also said that Logan is doing well with his feedings and that he is on "full feeds" now, which means he is getting total nutrition from breastmilk. The doctor said that in a few days, they will start adding supplements to his milk, like vitamins and iron, to help him get everything he needs. He also said they will likely take out the line supplying fluids soon as Logan really doesn't need this anymore.

The doctor said that the only thing that worried him was that I sounded like I had a cold and that if Logan would get this virus in his lungs, it would be a major setback. So basically he was telling me to stay away until I am 110%, and even then he told me to wear a mask for 2-3 days. So Danny and I are home for awhile, unfortunately. I am so ready to hold him. It almost makes me crazy, but I know I need to stay away from him for his sake.

He will get weighed again tonight. Hopefully he has continued to gain. Please pray for his little lungs and that they will continue to heal and develop. This seems to be his biggest issue. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Jill, I think about you guys all the time. I showed Wyatt the pictures of you and he smiled great big. Awesome that you got to hold him!! I am sure that it is hard to be away from him right now, but it is for his protection. You and daddy stay strong and let God do his precious work. We all continue to pray for you guys.
Thinking of you, Shelley McCleave

Amanda said...

I can't imagine how hard it is for you to be away from your precious little boy. Do everything you can to get well. Rest, sleep, lots of fluids and we'll keep praying that this bug doesn't hold on much longer. A lot of times a cold is just your body's way of telling you to slow down. You're under a tremendous amount of stress every minute of every day. Take care of yourself so you can take care of your son. That's true for Danny too!

Love you,