Monday, July 28, 2008

Nothing really new

Logan has had a stable day. The doctor did increase his feedings to 22 ccs every 3 hours. So far he is tolerating this well. Let's hope this continues!! His blood transfusion went well. He does not get weighed tonight, but the nurse did change his bed linens and she said he tolerated this well.

I miss him so much, but I know I can't be around him when I'm sick. And I'm scared for Danny to be around him for fear that Danny might end up sick from being around me. I'm not sure when we will get back to Springfield, hopefully soon.

Thank you everyone for your comments and prayers. I'm am reassured daily that God is with Logan and helping him (and us) through all of this. Please continue to pray that he will tolerate his feedings and that his carbon dioxide levels will remain low. Good night.


Anonymous said...

Jill, I know you miss Logan but, believe me you are smart to stay away for a while. The nurses & doctors are taking good care of him and God is watching over them all. Prayers are going up everywhere for them and you. Take care of yourself so you can be a good "mommy" when he comes home. We are so thankful he is doing so well!

Anonymous said...

We're so glad to hear that Logan is doing well. We're praying that he will continue to grow and he'll be that chubby little guy very soon. Take care of yourself and get some rest. You'll need it when he gets home. Our prayers are with you all. Thanks for keeping us updated on how he's progressing. I check it daily.
Jerry and Shirley

Anonymous said...

Jill, Danny, and Logan,

Just wanted to let you know that we are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers...our church has had you all on our prayer chain for sometime now. It seems that many prayers have been answered thus far and will I'm sure continue. Keep your faith for God is capable of anything!
P.S. I'm sure your mom gave you the message but if not, Brent and I live about 30 mins. from Springfield so if you ever need anything don't hesitate to let us know. Your mom and Jen Adams can give you our number if you need it.
Take care of yourself and each other for when Logan comes home you will be able to pull night duty for a few months! :)
Amanda, Brent, and Anden Hout