Monday, July 7, 2008

A quick trip home

Hello everyone,

I got the idea of starting this blog from my grandma's Sunday school class. Thanks guys! So this way everyone can keep up with Logan's progress. First of all, I want to thank everyone for all of their cards, phone calls, visits, and especially, prayers. I know that both Logan and I have been on many prayer lists, and that many more people have been praying for us. Thank you all so much. It means alot to both Danny, me, and Logan. Since today is my first post, I will start with Logan's status as of today. He is still on an oscillating ventilator with about 33% oxygen, nitric oxide for his lungs, on TPN for nutrition, and a few other medications. One of the biggest issues right now is that a valve in his heart has not closed yet, which is common in preemies. He has had 3 doses of medication for this and a chest echo this afternoon to see if it has closed. Actually as I'm writing this, I just got a call from Logan's nurse and she said the preliminary results show that Logan's heart valve has closed!! Thank God for answered prayers. At least this small battle seems to be over. She also reported that he will likely get off of the nitric oxide medication for his lungs tonight. Great news! Well that is all I can think of for now. I will post again soon.


Greg & Sonja said...

Thank you for starting the post... I will continue to keep you 3 in my thoughts and prayers!!

(Danny & Vicki Daniel's daughter)

Kathy Colclasure said...

Thank you for sharing this with us. We will keep you in our prayers. Keep up the good work Logan.

Ed and Kathy Colclasure

Grandma Thomas said...

Isn't he just the sweetest little guy in the world? I can't wait to hold him and kiss him and...... but I know Mom and Dad come first so Grandma will wait her turn.

Love You Dan and Jill, Mom Thomas