Thursday, July 10, 2008

Rough Day

Logan is having a rough day today. He is very agitated and the nurse has given him 3 different sedatives. He finally calmed down when Mom and I were leaving around noon. His oxygen sats are stable as long as he is sleeping, but they go a little haywire when he is awake and agitated. I spoke with the respiratory therapist today and she said that with these little guys it seems like they are really sick for awhile and then they get up over the hump and they get better quickly. It would be really nice if Logan could get over that hump. It seems like he's just stuck right now. The doctor increased his nitric oxide to 7, up from 5, to see if this would stabilize his oxygen sats. The doctor said that his lungs looked about the same from yesterday. His blood gas was a little better this morning than last night. He is still urinating a good amount, but tests of his BUN and creatinin levels of kidney function are still elevated, so the chest echo is postponed for now. This is because even if the heart valve has re-opened, he couldn't start the medication until his kidney numbers improved. He may or may not have his head ultrasound tomorrow depending on his level of agitation. They put up a sign above his bed that says, "Please be very quiet. I don't feel well. Love, Logan" and they also closed the nursery doors to try and keep the noise level down for him. Hopefully he will get over this hump soon.


Mrs. Stallard said...

We will say lots of extra prayers for Logan today.

Leroy, Brenda, Holly, and Faith

Grandma Thomas said...

Grandma T is praying for him too.